Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Just a Word

G day,

A gorgeous sunshiny day in the City! I am thinking that the sunshine will be around all week!
I am looking forward to spending another day with Owen and Keira. We embark on a new adventure today as they moved residence over the weekend. I reckon it could be a little more challenging now as they live in "the 'burbs"! When they were just off Lonsdale there was always heaps to see and do! We have a new neighbourhood to discover.
I find that I really miss being around them on the weekends; probably on account of my having four day weekends every week!

On the homefront I had a great weekend! On Sunday Luke's colleague from work picked us up and we went for a hike at Buntzen Lake. Alright, I am not as fit as I used to be but it is definitely inspiration to get back into shape! The elevation gain was only 400+ m and I found it tough going at times. Thankfully though the incline was pretty gradual with the odd steep incline to challenge me to the max! And you always think, "At least the return trip will be downhill", but that is not always such a good thing! Just ask my knees; they will attest that, indeed, downhill is not the greatest.

At any rate, it was great to be out there again! What Luke and I have aspired to for so very long. I am thankful to be home in Beautiful British Columbia and for the opportunity to tie on the trusty old hiking boots once again! Our long absence has certainly made me appreciate and love BC all the more; I knew we had it good here, but I had forgotten how good it really is!

I look forward to many more adventures both at work and at play.

Go softly amid the noise and the haste and remember what peace their may be in silence....


1 comment:

casetel said...

G;Day Deanna, Nice first post! I noticed it was posted at 6:05AM !?! You are an early riser ;) We might see if we can get you to use the mac iWeb / blog stuff at some later date, might make it easier to manage but if you like this one that is OK =) Talk to you later. Always loving you, your lukey